
Publications in refereed journals

Assortative matching on income

with Pierre-André Chiappori, Alfred Galichon and Stefano Verzillo.
Revise and resubmit, Econometrica.

Equal focus on inequality? Approaches to distributional impact assessment in the national budget process across the EU

with Nicola Bazoli, Sonia Marzadro, Jonhatan Pycroft, and Loris Vergolini.
Journal of Common Market Studies, 2023. Revised and resubmitted

Migration and public finances in the EU

with Tommaso Frattini, Andrea Riganti, and Michael Christl.
International Tax and Public Finance, 2023

L’assegno unico e universale e la revisione dell’irpef del 2022: un’analisi di equit`a ed efficienza per le famiglie di lavoratori dipendenti (the unique and universal familiy allowance and the revision of personal income tax in Italy: an equity and efficiency analysis for employees)

with Dalila De Rosa, Gloria Di Caprera., Francesco Figari, Marco Manzo, Elena Miola, Giorgio Mongelli and Chiara Subrizi.
Politica economica, 2022, Journal of Economic Policy, (3/2022):329–376

Tax enforcement activities: Evidence on the impact of a threat-of-audit letter

with Alessandro Santoro.
Economic and Political Studies, 2023, pages 1–17

Welfare resilience at the onset of the covid-19 pandemic in a selection of european countries: Impact on public finance and household incomes

with Olga Cantó, Francesco Figari, Sarah Kuypers, Sarah Marchal, Marina Romaguera-de-la Cruz, Iva V. Tasseva, and Gerlinde Verbist.

Review of Income and Wealth, 2021

La resilienza del sistema italiano di protezione sociale all’inizio della crisi COVID-19: evidenze territoriali (The resilience of the Italian social protection system at the beginning of COVID-19 outbreak: territorial evidence)

with Francesco Figari, Luca Gandullia, and Montorsi, C. (2020).

Politica economica/Journal of Economic Policy, 2020, (1):3–33

Welfare resilience in the immediate aftermath of the Covid-19 outbreak  in Italy

with Francesco Figari
Covid Economics 8, 22 April 2020: 92-119, CEPR Press

Class, Power, and the Structural Dependence Thesis: Distributive Conflict in the UK, 1892-2018

with Simon Mohun and Roberto Veneziani
Political Studies, 2021, 69, 985-1008

Evaluating organizational change in health care: the patient-centered hospital model

with Mara Gorli and Stefano Verzillo
BMC Health Services Research, 2018, 18(1):95

The Effect of Waiting Times on Demand and Supply for Elective Surgery: Evidence from Italy

with Andrea Riganti and Luigi Siciliani
Health Economics, 2017, 26(S2), 92–105

The targets of State Capitalism: Evidence from M&A deals

with Stefano Clò and Massimo Florio
European Journal of Political Economy, 2017, 47, 61–74

Developing and Validating Regional Microsimulation Models. TREMOD: the Tax-Benefit Model of the Italian Province of Trento

with Davide Azzolini, Martina Bazzoli, Silvia De Poli and Samuele Poy
Economia Pubblica, 2016, 1, 5-33

Fiscal Consolidation Policies in the Context of Italy’s Two Recessions

with Francesco Figari
Fiscal Studies, 2015, 36(4), 499–526

Public enterprises in the market for corporate control: recent worldwide evidence

with Stefano Clò, Chiara Del Bo, Matteo Ferraris, Massimo Florio and Daniela Vandone
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2015, 559-583

What Happens to the Careers of European Workers when Immigrants "Take their Jobs"?

with Cristina Cattaneo and Giovanni Peri
Journal of Human Resources, 2014, 50(3), 655-693

Parents' Risk Aversion and Children's Educational Attainment

with Daniele Checchi, and Marco Leonardi
Labour Economics, 2014, 30, 164–175

Immigration and careers of European workers: effects and the role of policies

with Cristina Cattaneo and Giovanni Peri
Journal of European Labor Studies, IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 2013, 2-17

The effect of tax enforcement on tax morale

with Antonio Filippin and Eliana Viviano
European Journal of Political Economy, 2013, 32, 320-331

User satisfaction and the organization of local public transport: Evidence from European cities

with Massimo Florio and Giovanni Perucca
Transport Policy, 2013, 29, 209-218

Electricity prices and public ownership: evidence from the EU15 over thirty years

with Massimo Florio
Energy Economics, 39, 222-232

The importance of choosing the data set for tax benefit analysis

with Lidia Ceriani and Chiara Gigliarano
The International Journal of Microsimulation, 2013, 6(1) 86-121

Intergenerational Persistence of Educational Attainment in Italy

with Daniele Checchi and Marco Leonardi
Economics Letters, 2013, vol 118(1), 229-232

Identification of labour tax reforms in Europe

with Alessandro Sommacal
Rivista di diritto finanziario e scienza delle finanze, 2011, LXX, 3(I), 363-379.

Inequality Decompositions. A Reconciliation

with Frank A. Cowell
Journal of Economic Inequality, 2011, 9(4), 509-528

Shadow wages for the EU regions

with Chiara Del Bo, and Massimo Florio
Fiscal Studies, 2011, 32(1), 109–143

A two-step approach to analyze satisfaction data

with Pieralda Ferrari and Laura Pagani
Social Indicators Research, 2011, 104(3), 545-554

Understanding Italian Inequality Trends

Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2011, 73(2), 255-275

Taxpayer behaviour when audit rules are known: evidence from Italy

with Alessandro Santoro
Public Finance Review, 2011, 39(1), 103-123

«Would you say that the price you pay for electricity is fair?» Consumers' satisfaction and utility reforms in the EU15

with Massimo Florio
Energy Economics, 33, 178-187

EU gas industry reforms and consumers' prices

with Rinaldo Brau, Raffaele Doronzo and Massimo Florio
The Energy Journal, 2010, 31(4), 163-178

Bimodal t-ratios: The Impact of Thick Tails on Inference

with Vassilis A. Hajivassiliou, and Peter C.B. Phillips
The Econometrics Journal, 2010, 13, 271-289

Co-payments and the demand for pharmaceuticals: evidence from Italy

with Luigi Siciliani
Economic Modelling, 2010, 27, 835-841

Assessing alternative Irpef reforms using microsimulation methods

Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, 2009, XIV(1), 107-126

Analysing Tax-Benefit Reforms Using Non-Parametric Methods

Fiscal Studies, 2008, 29(4), 499–522

Investment, growth, and uniformity versus selectivity in capital income taxation: testing the King-Fullerton framework

with Massimo Florio
Public Finance/Finances Publiques, 2008, 55(1-2), 64-81

‘Would you stick to using your car even if charged?’ Evidence from Trento (Italy)

with Marco Percoco
Transport Reviews, 2007, 27(5), 605-620

Sessanta anni di istruzione scolastica in Italia” (in Italian)

with Daniele Checchi and Marco Leonardi
Rivista di Politica Economica, 2006, XCVI, III, VII-VIII, 285-318

Tax Evasion in Italy: An Analysis Using a Tax-benefit Microsimulation Model

with Francesco D'Amuri
The ICFAI Journal of Public Finance, 2006, 19-37

Workers’ tax evasion in Italy

with Francesco D'Amuri
Giornale degli Economisti ed Annali d’Economia, 2005, 118, 64(2/3), 247-270

Confidence intervals for kernel density estimation

Stata Journal, 2004, 4(2), 103-114



Microsimulation and analysis of income distribution

Fiorio, C.V. (2009), VDM Verlag, ISBN-10: 3639192931, ISBN-13: 978-3639192933



Book chapters

Gli interventi sulle imposte: incentive alle imprese e attuazione della delega

Arachi, G., Bucci, V. and Fiorio, C.V. (2015), in Arachi, G. and Baldini, M., La finanza pubblica italiana. Rapporto 2015, pp. 45-70.

Mobilità intergenerazionale nell’istruzione in Italia

Fiorio, C.V. and M. Leonardi (2010), in D. Checchi (ed.), Immobilità diffusa, Perché la mobilità intergenerazionale è così bassa in Italia, il Mulino, pp. 53-85.

Ingresso precoce nel mercato del lavoro e drop-out scolastico

Fiorio, C.V. and M. Leonardi (2010), in D. Checchi (ed.), Immobilità diffusa, Perché la mobilità intergenerazionale è così bassa in Italia, il Mulino, pp. 135-154.

'It's a lot but let it stay’ How tax evasion is perceived across Italy

Fiorio, C.V. and Zanardi, A. (2008), in Pickhardt, Michael and Shinnick, Edward. (eds), Shadow Economy, Corruption and Governance, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, p. 210-239. 

Analisi dell’Irpef 2007 vs sistemi di imposizione alternativi utilizzando TABEITA04

Fiorio, C.V. (2008), in De Vincenti, C. and Paladini, R., (eds.), Libro Bianco della Commissione di Studio sull'Imposta sui Redditi delle Persone Fisiche e sul Sostegno delle Famiglie, Scuola Speriore dell'Economia e delle Finanze Ezio Vanoni, Mistero dell'Economia e delle Finanze, p. 274-293.

The Electricity Industry Reform Paradigm in the European Union: Testing the Impact on Consumers

Fiorio, C.V., Florio, M. and Doronzo, R. (2008), in P. Arestis and M. Sawyer (eds.), Critical Essays on the Privatisation Experience, International Papers in Political Economy series, Palgrave Macmillan. 

Modelización de las preferencias de los viajeros recurrentes: Evidencia de Trento (Italia)

Fiorio, C.V. and Percoco, M. (2007), in Martín, J.C., Reggiani, A. and Rietveld, P. (ed.), Las redes de transporte desde un enfoque multidisciplinar, Thomson Civitas (in Spanish).

Consumers’ Attitudes on Services of General Interest in the EU: Accessibility, Price and Quality 2000-2004

Fiorio, C.V., Florio, M., Salini, S. and Ferrari, P. (2007), in Marrelli, M., Padovano, F. and Rizzo, I. (ed.) Servizi Pubblici: Nuove Tendenze nella Regolamentazione, nella Produzione e nel Finanziamento, Franco Angeli.

Determinants of pension funds underwriting and implications for portfolio management: evidence from Italy

Fiorio, C.V. and Percoco, M. (2006), in Gregoriou, G.N., Diversification and portfolio management of mutual funds, Ch. 16, p. 353-372, Palgrave Macmillan.

 L'evasione fiscale: cosa ne pensano gli italiani

Fiorio, C.V. and Zanardi, A. (2006), 217-239, in M. C. Guerra and A. Zanardi (ed.), La finanza pubblica italiana, Rapporto 2006, Il Mulino.

Stima ed analisi di sensibilità in un modello discreto di scelta modale: teoria ed evidenza empirica per la provincia di Trento

Fiorio, C.V. and Percoco, M. (2005),in Venezia, E. (ed.), Trasporto Urbano/Urban Transport, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2005.

Analysis of tax evasion effects in Italy using  a tax-benefit microsimulation model

Fiorio, C.V. and D’Amuri, F. (2005), in Bosco, B. and Pisauro, G. (eds.), Politiche pubbliche, sviluppo e crescita, Franco Angeli, Milan.




Le disuguaglianze nell'accesso all'istruzione in Italia

Ballarino, G., Checchi, D., Fiorio, C.V. and Leonardi, M. (2010), Quaderni di Rassegna Sindacale - Lavori, Anno XI, N. 1, Gennaio-Marzo, pp. 117-131 

Inference and Thick Tails: Some Surprising Results

Fiorio, C.V. and Hajivassiliou, H.A. (2007) UNIMI - Research Papers in Economics, Business, and Statistics. Statistics and Mathematics. May, Working Paper 24. 

Rethinking Inequality Decomposition: Comment

Cowell, F.A. and Fiorio, C.V. (2006), Darp Working Paper, No. 82, STICERD, London School of Economics, June.

Consumers' Attitudes on Services of General Interest in the EU: Accessibility, Price and Quality 2000-2004

Fiorio, C.V., Florio, M., Salini, S. and Ferrari, P. (2007), The Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Note di Lavoro N. 2/2007.

Individual vs family taxation: an analysis using TABEITA04

Cavalli, M. and Fiorio, C. (2006), Econpubblica WP, No. 118, Bocconi University, Milan, December.

Grossing-up and validation issues in an Italian tax-benefit microsimulation model

D’Amuri, F. and Fiorio, C. (2006), Econpubblica WP, No. 117, Bocconi University, Milan, December.